"Noboru's mother closed his bedroom door and locked it"(pg. 3)
- Why lock it? Control? Security? Punishment?
- Imprisonment?
"Did the peephole just happen to be here, an accident?" (pg. 6)
- Peephole, not seeing the bigger picture but rather just a small part of it- metaphor.
- Accident- coincidence- reason for everything?
"Shortly after he made this discovery, Noboru began spying on his mother at night, particularly when she had nagged or scolded him" (pg. 7)
"On nights when she was gentle, he never looked." (pg. 7)
- Spying on his mother at night has a very negative connotation.
- Did he spy on her as a punishment for scolding him? He didn't spy on her when they got along.
- Women seem vulnerable but sacred- only he can see her, but it's through a peephole.
"He had a terrible time when she went near the wall mirror, for it hung in a corner of the room he couldn't see." (pg. 7)
- He was sexually attracted to his mother which is a negative connotation.
- It shows the curiousity in the young teenage boy of the new surroundings.
- It shows how he can't see the whole picture and some things are out of his view.
"He wondered if that had anything to do with the emptiness of his own world." (pg. 8)
- Metaphor, he is talking about the house but relating it to how he feels.
"He never cried, not even in his dreams, for hardheartedness was a point of pride." (pg. 9)
- This hilghlights the culture in which Noboru lives in and the expectations there are on him to be a man.
- Highlighting the fact that showing vulnerability is not in the books for a boy nor man.