Wednesday 31 August 2016

Chapter 2

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In this chapter Ryuji and Fusako go for a New Year's walk in the park and the mood is very sentimental becuase Fusako doesn't want Ryuji to go again. They express their feelings and how they want this year to be perfect and the best year yet becuase they have each other. Ryuji then casually asks Fusako to marry him. 

"Will you marry me?"


"Annoyed at having to repeat himself, he blurted things better left unsaid: "I'm asking you to marry me." (pg. 113)

Chapter 1 Quotes

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"His cheeks were streaked with rain-or were those tears?" (pg. 96)

"Ryuji slipped his hands under Fusako's coat and clutched wildly at her body as though searching for life in a corpse he had saved from drowning." (pg 96)

"They had imagined during the months apart that their conversations would be difficult when they met again; restoring the bond between them to what it had been after three summer days had seemed impossible." (pg. 97)

"But the tears of joy had washed anxiety away and lifted them to a height where nothing was impossible." (pg. 97)

"In the instant needed to cross the threshold, a subtle doubt assailed him." (pg. 98)

"And listening, be struck with terror. Then she knew she was waiting...." (pg. 100)- she ddint want to admit that she was waiting for Ryuji, but deep inside she knew. 

"....he was the man they had been waiting for, the man they loved." (pg. 101)

"He was tense from waiting, his body under the covers stiff as a board, and yet, somehow, these weren't quite the footsteps he had expected." (pg. 101)

"Noboru had prepared for Ryuji's ebtrance byresolving not to smile with pleasure. Using illness as a pretext, he succeeded in maintaining a glum face." (pg. 102)

"They were even more insensible than he had suspected: they were cradled in the numbing arems of love." (pg. 103)- Norboru talking about Fusako and Ryuji.

"Mr. Tsukazaki, when will you be sailing again?
"It was the questions she most wanted to ask, and most dreaded." (pg. 104)

"Red with rage.....Noboru pulled his diary from under the pillow as soon as they had left....

Charges against Ryuji Tsukazaki

Four: coming back here again in the first place." (pg. 105)

Chapter 1

Image result for summaryIn this chapter Ryuji returns to Fusako and Noboru in Japan. He has been out sailing all fall and has now come back in late December. Fusako is overjoyed that Ryuji is back, however, Noboru is not as certain. Last summer he did not like how Ryuji took so much time with Fusako and changed their family dynamic. Now he is back and Noboru is unsure of how things are going to turn out. He is rude to Ryuji when he comes to his room to visit him since he was sick and could not come pick him up with his mother at the pier. 

Part 2

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Image result for winter

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Chapter 8 Quotes

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"Noboru thought of the sailor toiling now, and soon to sail away; and he was flushed with pride"
(pg. 85)

"Fusako considered mentioning how lonely she was going to be and decided not to." (pg. 87)

"For the moment, as a man leaving a woman behind to voyage around the world, as a sailor, and as a Second Mate, Ryuji was perfect." (pg. 88)

"Ryuji wanted to kiss Fusako but he was intimidated by Noboru. Besides, like a man who knows he is dying, he felt a need to be equally tender to all." (pg. 88)

"Noboru, listening, knew that the phantom he had watched two nights before was real, understood that he was present at the spot where all dreams began and ended." (pg. 90)

"The gangplank had been raised; the last link between ship and shore was broken," (pg. 90)

"....the Rakuyo's horn screamed one last enormous farewell."......"Ryuji was lost from sight."
(pg. 92)

Chargest against Ryuji Tsukazaki

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1. Smiling at me in a cowardly, ingratiating way when I met him this afternoon. 

2. Wearing a dripping-wet shirt and explaining that he had taken a shower in the fountain at the park- just like an old bum. 

3a. Deciding arbitrarily to spend the night out with Mother, thereby placing me in an awfully isolated position.

3b. Answering when I asked when he would be sailing again "Im not sure yet"

4. Coming back here in the first place.

However, after thinking about it Noboru erased crime 3a becuase he thought it was too obvious and he would get caught. 

Part 1, Chapter 7

In this chapter Fusako and Ryuji go out on a date and Fusako ends up not coming home. Instead Fusako and Ryuji stay at a hotel and they go out for dinner, talking about tomorrow, the day Ryuji has to leave. Fusako tells him and she has fallen inlove with him and eventually both are crying tears of joy and sadness. Fusako staying with Ryuji for the night, frustrates Noboru becuase he was looking foward to watching them through the peephole. Noboru then makes up a crime list for Ryuji.