Tuesday 30 August 2016

Chapter 6 Quotes

"But at this unhappy, unexpected meeting, the sailor had presented himself as a pitful figure in a waterlogged shirt and, as if that wasn't enoug, smiled like a fawning idiot." (Pg. 63)

"And when Noboru challenged the soaking shirt, he should have answered:" (pg. 63)

"The sailor's pleasure at being entrusted with a secret, his reassuring smile and quick assent, disapointed Noboru." (Pg. 64)

"Obviously the houskeeper resented Ryuji and she appeared to be venting her disgruntlement on Noboru." (Pg. 65)

"You'd probably put an old pro like me to shame."
"I dont like to be flattered." (pg. 65)

"Happiness that defies description." (Pg. 70)

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