Thursday 18 August 2016

Quotes, chapter 3

"He'd be smart to forget about it if he is. This is a miserable business is ever there was one." (pg. 31)
  • Tsukazaki is telling Fusako that Noboru should not become a sailor becuase it is not a good life. 
"But today Fusako was enveloped in paralyzing gentleness." (pg. 33)
  • Fusako is taking care of a customer she can noramally not tolerate, but today, the day after her night with Ryuji, she feels gentle and calmer. 
  • Juxtaposition- gentleness and paralyzing should not be in the same sentence. 
"I've never talked so much with a man before, not since my husband died...." Pg. 36)
  • She feels safe with Ryuji and they got to know each other well. 

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