Thursday 18 August 2016

Quotes from chapter 2

"Stars were his only companions, and the sea." (Pg. 15)

  • Was a sailor destined to be with humans or were they destined for lonliness?
  • Stars- symbolizim of destiney and fate. 

"He found himself in the strange predicament all sailors share: essentially he belonged neither to the land nor to the sea." (pg. 16)

  • He felt lost and like he did not belong anywhere. 
  • There is nothing more than land and seam therefore one could assume he did not feel like he belonged on earth at all. 

"Possibly a man who hates the land should dwell on shore forever." (pg. 16)

  • He does not feel at home on land nor in the sea, therefore he has to find middle ground. 
  • Dwelling on the shore is another type of imprisonment, just as he thinks land and sea is a prison. 

"But a ship was another kind of prison" (Pg. 16)

"At twenty, he had been passionately certain; there's just one thing I'm destined for and that's glory.....He had no idea what kind of glory he wanted, or what kind he was suited for. He knew only that in the depths of the world's darkness was a point of light which had been provided for him alone and would draw near someday to irradiate him and no other." (pg. 16)

  • Arrogance
  • Blinded by his vision
  • Reality VS illusion 

"He could feel the glory knifing towards him, like a shark from some great disstance in the darkly heaping water..." (pg 17)

  • Foreshadow- the glory he seeks will not bring happiness. 
  • Glory is a good thing, but it is put in a negative context.  

"....but the tears welled directly from a dark, distant, enervated part of himself he had neglected all his life and couldn't command." (pg. 18)

  • There is darkness and sadness inside of him that he does not know how to control or where it comes from. 
  • His past is haunting him. 
  • The life as a sailor is not making him happy. 

"Ryuji stood watch and slept, woke up, stood watch and slept again." (pg. 18)

  • Routine, day in, day out. 

"By them time he realized this was a woman, it was done...." (pg. 21)

  • He moves so fast he doesn't pay attention to what is happening. 
  • He does not enjoy life but rather runs through it. 

"I still don't understand how this could have happened. I mean' - her confusion rang a little false- "it's just incredible." (pg. 23)

  • Fusako is talking about how incredible their meeting was. 
  • She seems confused and a little nervous. 

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